I wouldn’t normally post screencaps from a low quality preview video like this but a few extra early shots of Lilly in a dress are too good to pass up. I just wish I’d thought of it myself. No full-length shots unfortunately, it’s mostly head-and-shoulders close ups. Of course, on Monday there will be full coverage of the slightly reduced coverage 😉 in the normal KM UK exclusive HD image posting. Can’t wait!
The off-the-shoulder nature of the dress does give the crew a technical issue to deal with. Want to take a guess at what?
19 small and not the best quality screencaps can now be found in the Gallery.
Thanks to IcyWinter for the inspiration.
You mean Kathryn’s tattoo?. It’s gone (magic:-)) Noticed it right away 😉
Yes, I did mean Kathryn’s tattoo.
Love the captions RichE!
They really should have left Kathryn’s hair down, it would have been better with that dress.
That’s true. She always looks gorgeous in a dress with her hair down.
She looks beautiful though…as always
I’m really excited to see the full length of the dress and what shoes she’s wearing with it

I agree that they should have put her hair down.
They could have even used the wedding as an opportunity to give Lil a new hair style 😛
But definitly gorgeous as always
I don’t have a problem with the way her hair is. I think it actually suits her up like that, and the dress is gorgeous
They could have least let her hair down, we’ve only seen her hair down once this season.
Am I the only one who thinks it’s totally off-character for Lilly? Let’s be honest here, guys. Would Lil wear an off-the-shoulder, as RichE called it, dress? Great majority of the time we see Lil in her work clothes and we all know what that looks like and exactly for that reason I think that dress is not what she would wear. Yeah, Kathryn looks great in it and the hair is fine too, but it’s Cold Case and it’s Lilly Rush. Detective Rush. Remember when she went out for Chris’ b-day? Remember what she wore then? Yeah…in my opinion in “Two Weddings” episode wardrobe department made a huge mistake!
You’re also forgetting what she wore when she when with Kite in ” Disco Inferno,” dancing..
What’s wrong about Lilly wearing a dress, she’s perfectly entitled to attend a wedding. She’s not the same character she was in Season one and two, but less angry about her own past, with more improvement
I’m not saying she shouldn’t wear a dress but in my opinion not that kind of dress she is wearing.
“she’s perfectly entitled to attend a wedding” – did I say she’s not?
Before we condemn the wardrobe department for doing what they’re told we ought to see what the set up is.
For all we know at this stage there will be a nice little scene explaining the dress. Perhaps it is a gift from Eddie. Will she be wearing the bracelet? We can’t see her wrist in the promo video.
I do agree that the dress is a little out of character with the Lilly we’ve seen for much of the previous 6 seasons. However, after the scenes with Eddie this year, especially the night out and sunrise on the beach ones in Chinatown, I think she is more comfortable about such things.
No doubt she’ll be getting a Joey-style “how you doin’?” comment from Scotty
Most likely Lil won’t wear the bracelet she got from Eddie. As she said when he gave it to her it is expensive gift that she cannot afford on her salary. Wearing it to the wedding would raise some questions that Lil would have to answer.
Actually Lilly was talking about another bracelet, not the diamond bracelet she found in the apartment, where he was undercover
So you think she’ll wear the diamond bracelet she found in the apartment? Yeah, that would raise questions too…
Saywhatnow? There was only one bracelet.
Eddie gave Lilly the bracelet during their night out. She gave it back to him saying she couldn’t “wear it around, not on my salary”. That made little sense to me as it was a gift, what she makes is irrelevant, but I understood what she meant.
I think returning it, especially after Eddie made it clear it was something he actually bought for her, unlike the car etc. which were just “rentals”, was her insecurity. She was shocked that Eddie would do that, that she meant that much to him. So Eddie took it back.
At the end of the episode (Chinatown) we see Lilly go back to Eddie’s (temporary) apartment and there is the bracelet, the same one. He left it for her.
If the squad don’t know about her and Eddie, I thought some of them did, then Lilly could easily pass the bracelet off as being her mother’s.
Either way I don’t see it as a problem. If the squad see Lilly wearing expensive jewellery do you think they are likely to start asking awkward questions as to where she got it?
They most likely would ask questions, Lilly would never start wearing jewellery to work, most likely Nick would probably ask a small question, it’s just not her.
To work no, but this is a wedding and she’s wearing a fancy dress.
“then Lilly could easily pass the bracelet off as being her mother’s” – do you mean the woman that spend all her money on booze? I think that Ellen would pawn any bracelet, especially a diamond one.
It is a wedding and theres nothing wrong with Lilly wearing a jewellery, but wearing a diamond bracelet worth a lot of money would raise questions. Ok, maybe not on a TV show, but in real life a police officer wearing an expensive item like that would be suspected of some kind of illegal activities right away. Of course there may be a simple explanation (talking bout CC and real life example here) but still it would raise questions.
Yes, her mother. That mother. Just because she spent a lot of money on alcohol doesn’t mean she would sell things of great sentimental value.
We don’t know for certain but Lilly seems to live quite frugally, well within her means as a senior homicide detective, what’s too say she doesn’t a fair bit stashed away which should could spend on something like diamonds. Maybe it would get her colleagues curious, maybe it wouldn’t.
So what if Lilly wore the bracelet? Why would anyone ask questions? How would they even know its real!?
She’s a detective! She makes money! Its not like she bags groceries for a living! People DO have savings ya know..
To be honest, the bracelet wasn’t even that extravagant.
Do you see the dress she’s wearing!? Its not like she bought that at a bargain store! Are people gunna ask questions? No. They’re just going to politely say, “Oh Lilly. You look beautiful!”
Sorry to get all ‘up-in-your-face-bitchy’ but I can’t believe we’re still debating this.
Let’s face it, the most likely scenario is that Lilly will turn up in the dress and without the bracelet. She’ll get a few admiring looks from the guys and that’ll be that.
The question it will raise though is where she’s keeping her gun? No? Just me then? 😉
It would be a continuing senario of don’t know, like everyone in the squad has been doing for awhile this season
RichE, the captions made my life. 😀 Ahahahahah!
In the main caption; What is a bounder and a Cad??
Both are rather archaic in their usage. Together like that they became a of phrase, probably used these days to invoke the feel of a time like the 1920’s. The dress gave it a ’20s look to me.
From dictionary.com:
Definitely agree with Tianna, it’s just a bracelet, come on now guys.
Oh my goodness. Thank you! <3
Lilly could say the bracelet was a gift from her father.
Well, sorry but I don’t agree with the statement that it’s just a bracelet. Any expensive item would raise suspicion. One occassion like a wedding wouldn’t be anything big but would make IAB curious, especially considering Lilly has a complain on her record made, she was a suspect in murder investigation and her squad is not well liked by Chief of D’s. All that plus the expensive item in her possesion, considering detectives don’t make that much money, would be a red flag. Yes, Lilly can try to explain where she got it from, but saying she bought it herself would be a bit of a career suicide as IAB might want to see the record of purchase. Saying she got it from mother would also be suspicious for IAB. From father – yes, that is a possibility but knowing that IAB likes to dig deep they would check his finances too. She could say she got it from Saccardo, that he left it for her in HER appartment could be a good option, but then Saccardo would be suspcted of spending department’s money on private items.
Sorry guys, but if the show is trying to be real as possible (and it was mentioned many times that they do try that) then Lilly shouldn’t wear diamond bracelet to that wedding. If that bracelet is really expensive. And it seams it is because Lilly said it herself.
Actually Saccardo did not leave the bracelet in her apartment, it was in his undercover apartment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know Saccardo left it in his undercover apartment, but if Lilly would tell she visited him there it would screw her and his career as it could have blown his cover. So thats why I wrote ‘in HER’ apartment…meaning she would lie that he somehow got inside her apartment and left it there.
Why the IAB even look into her fiances?? Lilly’s names has already been cleared?? I think you are looking too much into this..
Yeah, maybe I am looking too much into this, after all it is JUST a tv show…nothing there is real…
Are you joking? Its a show. What the fuck are you talking about? (Pardon my language)..
ITS JUST A BRACELET! Who says anyone from IAB is going to be there? This is someone’s wedding, not a justice system meeting!
If the show wants to be ‘as real as possible’ then the bracelet won’t be an issue. The gun in her fcking fireplace will!
And just as IcyWinter said, LILLY’S NAME IS CLEARED. Everyone knows it wasn’t her.
And may I say one more time, that its JUST A BRACELET. Yes, its expensive. Yes, maybe its a little out of her financial range, but who gives a shit!? If Lilly did have to lie about where she got the bracelet – which I doubt she will, it could have very well been her mother’s. Just cause Ellen was a booze hound, doesn’t mean she didn’t have jewellery. Her dad could have given it to her! And like I said in my earlier post, she could just flat out say, she bought it herself. It’s not like she lives paycheck to paycheck.
So lets all just watch the bloody episode and see what happens.
People watch your language! I agree with MadMax she is obviously right, no cop would do that, and seriously, it’s a bloody opinion, all of you should just shut up, get over it already. Sometimes I wonder why you even bother, it’s her opinion, you’ve had your say, now it’s over, so shut the hell up. You people drive me crazy, seriously, ITS AN OPINION! Everyone has their own, you dont agree with it, say so, but don’t make such a big problem ok??
Thanks Lilly_Scotty. Yes, it was my opinion but aparently on KM UK no one can have different opinion than the admin of this site and his very close friends. Oh well, I guess I’ll just stop expressing my opinion here at all. Hmm…I’ll just stop coming to this site. To watch the show I really don’t need to visit sites like this one. To bad thou, because I really like this site.
I have not prevented anyone expressing their opinion here. Quite the contrary. And I resent the suggestion that anyone is being favoured.
You are, of course, free to visit, or not, which ever websites you like.
My earlier comment that this “stops now” was not aimed at any one individual. I just think that it is best that this particular discussion, which is clearly going nowhere, stops for everyone’s sake, we’ve all had our say on this hypothetical issue. Especially as the episode in question is due to air shortly.
Geez! I make one casual comment about a bracelet from an earlier episode and it turns into this!
Anyway, it stops now.
@Madmax- Nobody is putting your opinion down, we’re just voicing our own opinions as well. Some of us disagree but that’s alright. We’re allowed to debate about this topic, with no harm intended.
You’re quite right, “so let’s leave it alone, ’cause we can’t see eye to eye. There ain’t no good guys, there ain’t no bad guys.
There’s only you and me and we just disagree.” So let’s just agree that we disagree and let it be a bygone. Especially since episode already aired…
One Fall preview video added to the Gallery.