
October 2009
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Excuse Me, Nurse? – KM UK Exclusives – Update

aoahsp_016Just ahead of the DVD release of Assassination Of A High School President we have new screencaps and video (with audio this time) in the Gallery.

A quick reminder: Kathryn plays Nurse Platt in two very brief scenes in the movie.  In both instances she speaking to Bobby Funke (Reece Thompson) as he investigates the case of some stolen SAT exam papers.

The DVD is due for release on Tuesday (6 October 2009) in the US.  There is still a question mark regarding the Blu-ray version, we may or may not see a release on the HD format.

aoahsp_017 aoahsp_040 Odd, your pulse is racing...

Update: The new screencaps have been replaced with larger higher quality versions.  There is no sign of Kathryn in any of the DVD extras.

4 comments to Excuse Me, Nurse? – KM UK Exclusives – Update

  • Khaya

    I was wondering when pictures of this would show up. Thanks for the update.

  • LII2

    That Clip was downright Funny, Kathryn really nailed the part of playing a “Stoned School Nurse”, btw I posted that clip over at Look Again

  • Lilly_Scotty

    She looks so bloody sexy. I love the way she can protray so many different characters. Wonderful!

  • Lolly

    Ahaha! This clip was ha-larious! 😀 KM’s looking mucho sexy! I like how she leaves for food…. all the time.

    My friends make fun of me because they say I’m just as airheaded as Nurse Platt…. *sigh*.. Can’t say I disagree with them! 😉

    It’s a really good movie, too, I wish she had a bigger part! I want more Nurse Platt! :)

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