I know!
Apologies for the attempt at French.
So that is what Lilly looked like on one of her nights in with Ray!
Kathryn is due to appear in the French magazine Télé 7 Jours this week. And by the looks of it she is going to appear quite a lot, or should that be “quite a lot of her is due to appear”
Hopefully we’ll get to see more than just the cover soon 😉
This seems like a perfect excuse to start a Magazine section in the Gallery.
Thanks to zoé @ ColdCasePedia and the French Cold Case fans at Hypnoweb.net for the info.
Update: New, larger, images from the magazine have been added. The article image is the same as the cover. If someone wants to translate the text into English I’ll post it here.
Update 2: I’ve attempted a translation. Click below.
Update 3: In case some people haven’t realised the magazine isn’t called Belle du Jour. It was my attempt at “beautiful day” in French. Linking the magazine title (Télé 7 Jours), Kathryn being beautiful and a day with such a good Kathryn picture is a good one. I’m sorry if some people have failed to understand this.
A probably very poor attempt at translation. Apologies to all French speakers. It is a translation with some interpretation, I’ve tried to work out what the author meant rather than just what the translation came out with.
English | Original French |
At 40 years old the Cold Case star gets naked!
In the city, the star of Cold Case dares all. On screen, the heroines of Desperate Housewives still promise us surprises. At 40, these women have regained power in Hollywood. Here is a look at the actresses and their characters that the studios have snapped up. Blowing hot on Cold Case! Kathryn Morris posing nude in a small leather jacket, giving us a glimpse of her chest, her eyes inviting mischievous thoughts. But what piqued our interest in the star of the successful detective show? Do not worry! Her character, Detective Lilly Rush, has not hung-up her dark coat, or the sharp pantsuit. She is still a serious cop, unwavering in her duty, rocking the establishment in cold Philadelphia. A sexy age So what? Well, Kathryn is offered, at 40 years old, a sexy age, a photo session in between filming. In addressing the issue of her age, she questions the impression we normally have of her. She confides, “when people see me in person, they are always surprised to see that I do not have the deathly complexion as on the show.” The pretty blonde has good reason to be confident, she has the full backing of mega-producer Jerry Bruckheimer. Last May he didn’t hesitate to save Cold Case in favour of Without A Trace after the American network CBS wanted to cancel one of the two drama series to reduce costs. |
À 40 ans la star de Cold Case se met à nu!
À la ville, la star de Cold Case ose tout. À l’écran, les héroïnes de Desperate Housewives promettent encore de nous surprendre. A 40 ans, ces femmes on repris le pouvoir à Hollywood. Enquête sur des actrices de caractère que les studios s’arrachent. Coup de chaud sur Cold Case ! Kathryn Morris (ci-contre) pose nue sous un petit blouson en cuir, laissant deviner sa poitrine menue, son regard coquin invitant à tous les fantasmes. Mais quelle mouche a piqué la star du célèbre polar ? Rassurez-vous ! Son personnage, la détective Lilly Rush, n’a pas renoncé à son imper sombre, ni à son tailleur-pantalon strict. Elle reste un flic mélancolique, au flair quasi infailible, qui nous bouleverse d’une enquête à l’autre, dans la froide Philadelphie. Une parenthèse sexy Alors quoi ? Eh bien, Kathryn s’offre, à 40 ans, une parenthèse sexy, le temps d’une séance photo, en marge des tournages. En abordant la quarantaine, elle bouscule son image jusque-là plutôt sage. Et de confier avec malice : « Quand les gens me recontrent, ils sont toujours étonnés de constater que je n’ai pas le teint cadvérique de la série. » La jolie blonde peut d’autant mieux se lâcher que le méga-producteur Jerry Bruckheimer l’a assurée de toute sa confiance. En mai dernier, il a, sans hésiter, sauvé Cold Case et sacrifié FBI : portés disparus, car la chaine américaine CBS lui demandait alors d’arrêter l’une de ses deux fictions, en raison de coûts élevés et d’audiences à la baisse. |
OMG… is that for real?!! Kathryn is going to be gorgeous anyway, but to be honest I think the cover looks a bit tacky…
WHOA. NAKED. Haha, it’s a great photo of her though! 😀 I can’t wait to see this.
Somehow I doubt that Kathryn would appear Naked, she’s not the type to do those type of shots.
Google’s translator is giving me “the star of Cold Case is laid bare”. Does that seem OK?
Now, as keen as I am on both ideas 😉 , I’m assuming this is a bit of typical magazine cover phrase double entendre to draw you in. In reality we’re talking probing interview (which it won’t be) rather than a probing camera (which it won’t be either)
I have all papers about her in that magazine
and i can translate too ( im french xD)
Any help you are prepared to give would be great. Thanks niiny, and welcome to KM UK.
hello everyone J have to it tele 7 days and has L interior it there with the same photograph that the cover of the magazine the matter is on the actresses who have sexy forty of which Kathryn Morris here is small information
Hello azerty.
You have the magazine? It has just 1 photograph inside? The same as the cover?
Thank you for letting us know.
You can tell that they airbrushed her, she doesn’t even look real.
You really can’t tell that at all, though there probably is some touching up. The quality of the image, even the new larger ones, makes it difficult to tell.
It’s not as though Cold Case makes her look completely normal.
Now an article, I would love to know what it says;I can’t read French
She looks sexy, but I really would have liked them to have done more with her face. I don’t know if it’s just me but I would have loved to see her with a touch of eyeliner. Give her a more smokey look. But she does look incredibly stunning.
As many here may already know I’m not a fan of make-up, especially eye make-up. I don’t think it is really necessary most of the time. Kathryn looks at her best with little make-up. I realise that when “on camera” make-up is always involved. Kathryn is pale enough (not a complaint) already without being bleached out by lighting. So in that case I like make-up that gives a “no make-up” look.
Kathryn’s small imperfections make her perfect as far as I’m concerned.
I completely agree with you RichE! The less make-up she wears the better – she is beautiful simply the way she is.
For sure, the announcement that Kathryn would go naked was not to be taken too serious (especially not in a T. V. magazine). Sadly, almost no pictures of Kathryn there as had to be expected. Still, the picture is a nice addition to our Kathryn collection.
I don’t know how it’s done: Has this picture been taken exclusively for that magazine or is this from a different shot and they just got the permission to use it?
The “naked” thing is rather silly. It says in the text (I’m working on a full translation) “posing nude in a leather jacket”. And you can just see she has pants on. So that’s naked accept for some clothes then?
As for the picture I found the story here (look to the left of the photo of Anne Hathaway). It is a blog post from last Friday seemingly listing recent celeb sightings. It says:
FRANCY PANTS: Cold Case star Kathryn Morris, getting her hair done at Prive Salon LA by stylist Kareen Boursier, for a photo shoot for French magazine Télé 7 Jours.
So, the image was done specially. There have to more. Doubt we’ll ever see them then
I contacted a friend of this site about it, she found a sight with some info on it. I then went a Googling and found a bigger version of the image. Later I found even bigger versions.
Oh and I would like to see her in a bikini. She never goes to the beach, it looks like she has the body for it.
I can only agree with that
Of course we have seen her in a bikini. Search the Gallery for bikini to find screenshots and video clips from Pensacola: Wings Of Gold.
However, newer, better photos would be very, very, very, very (enough verys?) welcome.
Come on Kathryn, do a piece for Shape magazine. As a fit, healthy, confident beautiful woman you’d be perfect for it. The fact that they seem to insist on their cover stars posing in bikinis is neither here nor there 😉
Kathryn’s aversion to the beach maybe as a result of her pale complexion, which is understandable and I would not want her to do anything she is not comfortable with.
wow, she’s gorgeous, my favourite photo of her :):)
but her face :/ too much photoshop, Lilly_Scotty I would like to see her in a bikini too
I have to agree with small Barbie, it appears to be too much photoshopped. Yet Kathryn’s really beautiful there, I hope someone can translate what the article says
It’s a not too great scan of a printed magazine, the image is not going to be a brilliant reflection of the source material. I’m sure the original photos, even with a bit of Photoshopping, look fine.
Of course if someone can supply me with the original photos I’ll happily give them a thorough examination 😉
Come on people, photoshop just to remove some wrinkles and expression marks, which in fact she hardly has. Just compare it to other pictures of hers, even in screens of Cold Case, it is natural factory
So gorgeous *-*
are there gunna be anymore pictures? i dont think shes nude, but im pretty sure she just has underwear on
lmfao! in the first picture, can you see kind of a lacey, black undergarment? hopefully there will be a body shot? even if she is wearing pants 😛
She’s definitely not nude, she’s wearing a jacket!
Not sure about the lacey underwear, the top edge is not clear.
There must be other photos from the shoot. They’d never take just one. We can only hope we get to see them sometime. There are no more in the magazine.
It appears that KM is wearing black pants. Anyways when I first saw this, I knew that you RichE would be drooling over her.
Okaaaay. *finishes reading twenty-four comments* I can’t leave for two days, can I, and you guys are all spamming about naked Kathryn pictures. 😉
Great translation, RichE. I didn’t know your French was this good. Those three years of French at school didn’t do me much good. I still don’t understand a thing of it.
Thanks for the caps. Is it just me or is her eye a little too blue? Love the hair though.
Have a good day everyone.
Not spamming and not naked. Comments and clothed
My French is close to non-existent, I can read a little but can’t speak it at all. I used Google’s translation tools and then tried to work out what the resulting crude English actually meant. Some of it I’m still not happy with but hopefully it’s close enough. I am happy to take comments by people more proficient in both languages than me.
You’re right, Kathryn’s eyes are really a much darker grey/blue, not bright blue like that. The colouring is generally a little exaggerated, some of that may just be the garish colours of the magazine, some may be the scanning process.
hello Riche
want you to it magazine I can you L send for you thank for your works if Ca you interress you have my email to contact me bye azerty
Thank you for the offer. I will email you.
Well, it’s what you call naked.
I know my comment is very late but I can afford my little contribution :
Actually “se mettre à nu” is well a “double entendre” expression.
In the literal sense it’s would be “to get naked”, but in the context of this article, it’s men “to make some confidences” or “to tell some secrets”. Anyway, it’s more about the fact to talk with the journalist.
It is OK for anyone to comment on any article. It does not matter how old it is.
Thank you for the clarification Thaleis. In a later comment I suggested that the front cover headline could mean “laid bare” which fits with what you said.
Ok sorry… Iam French and no perfectly bilingual 😉
No need to apologise, I wasn’t correcting you.
Your English is very good, better than my French non?